Server Technology C3S36RL-DQJE2NT2 Smart PRO3X 0U
Server Technology
MSRP: $2,837.00 SALE PRICE$2,411.45
(You Save $425.55)

Product Overview:
Smart PRO3X with PIPS, 0U, 36 RamLock HDOT Outlets (18 C13 + 18 Cx), Color Matrix LCD, 208V/3-Phase Delta (L-L)/60A, Input: 208V Delta 60A IEC 60309 3P+G 9Hr
Product Category:PDU
Additional information
Smart PRO3X with PIPS, 0U, 36 RamLock HDOT Outlets (18 C13 + 18 Cx), Color Matrix LCD, 208V/3-Phase Delta (L-L)/60A, Input: 208V Delta 60A IEC 60309 3P+G 9Hr, 3m (10ft) Cord (Enters From End of the PDU, Outlet Number 1 Starts On the Same End as the Power Cord), Middle Display/Network, Dual 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Ports, Support for Raritan DX2 Sensors, Circuit Breakers